Leona Middle School Literacy Day

This past Friday, I had the AWESOME opportunity to revisit Leona Middle School for their literacy day. Parents and grandparents joined their kids at school for some writing fun. One thing I love about the students there is how creative they are! The third grade class pictured above is standing in front of the characters they created during our session together. From Bacon Man, to SuperDog!, to a snowman that can shoot lasers out of its eyes, I was so impressed by the students’ inventiveness (and artwork!).

There were so many wonderful parts of the day – a pizza lunch with the book club, writing constellation stories and drawing them on one big night sky with the sixth graders, taking a Chopped-style story challenge with the fifth graders and following a story’s journey with fourth graders. I read so many great stories and am grateful the students were willing to share their writing.

One wonderful highlight was getting to talk to this third grade class about my first book, THE REMARKABLE JOURNEY OF CHARLIE PRICE. They had JUST finished it the day before as a read-aloud and had so many questions and reactions to share with me. I loved our conversation.

Thank you, Leona Middle School, for inviting me back! I had a really great day.

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